Water Wisdom

How much salt should you put in the salt tank?

Posted by Janice Macdonald on

How much salt should you put in the salt tank?

You should never over-fill your salt tank   But how much is enough? Well, the answer will be different for different homes, but here's a general idea. Factoring in a few variables will make this easier to explain. The bigger the family, the more salt you will use. Also, the harder your water, the more salt you will use. So, if you are a family of six, with a water hardness of 30 grains per gallon, your salt consumption will be double that of a family of 3 or a family of six with 15 grains of hardness. That's not...

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How Softeners Work (Easy Explanation)

Posted by Janice Macdonald on

How Softeners Work (Easy Explanation)
You don't need to read a book to understand how a water softener works. It doesn't hurt to know a few basics though, to help you through the buying process.

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Is Grocery Store Water Safe?

Posted by Janice Macdonald on

Is Grocery Store Water Safe?
What are the advantages of making your own reverse osmosis water over purchasing it from a water store or grocery store?

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Should you fix your old softener or replace it?

Posted by Janice Macdonald on

Should you fix your old softener or replace it?

 Resin exchange, is it worth it?   So your water pressure is low and you suspect your water softener. This is a common problem for water softener owners on city water where chlorine and ammonia are added to the water supply to control bacteria. These chemicals are hard on resin, especially low-grade resin, and will sometimes cause it to break down. When ion-exchange resin fails, it expands and becomes soft. As the beads puff up, it reduces the amount of free-board or empty space in the resin tank and the result is low water pressure throughout the house. Many people think this is a city...

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